6 Things you need to know if you have an accident at work

an accident in the office

  Remain calm – the vast majority of employers have public liability insurance to cater for this exact eventuality.  You should immediately report the incident to the first aider and follow the employers protocol Take photographic evidence of the scene of the accident including any broken machinery, missing parts, spillages. Get the names, addresses and […]

5 things you need to know if you trip in the street! legal advice if you want to claim

5 things you need to know if you trip in the street for a personal injury claim

To the best of your ability, try and identify the thing that caused you to trip up.  This is sometimes more difficult than it seems as if you knew what it was that had caused you to trip up you would have spotted it in the first place and avoided it !  However, once you […]

7 Things that you would need to know if you ever had a Road Traffic Accident

7 things you should know if you have a car accident

Remain calm and try and obtain the other party’s details – gather evidence !  including taking photographs of the car, the location of the car on the road, registration plate and any damage.  You should then exchange your name, address and insurance details, if you know them, with the other party. Get witnesses.  You should […]

What Is The Legal Definition of Medical Negligence?

medical negligence solicitor blog

“A doctor or hospital owes a duty of care to its patients.  This duty of care is breached when the doctor or hospital failed to exercise the standard of the ordinary skilled person exercising or professing to have that special skill (Medicine).  A doctor need not possess the highest expert skill; it is well established […]

Access To Justice. The Seven Justices of the Supreme Court have today 26 July 2017 overturned Judgements by the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

lady justice

Every now and then the Supreme Court in this country does something which is just simply ‘the right thing to do’. Unfair dismissal. The Seven Justices of the Supreme Court have today 26 July 2017 overturned Judgements by the High Court and the Court of Appeal and instead have backed an appeal by trade union […]

Vaginal Mesh Implants. How do you know if you have a claim?

vaginal mesh compensation claim

When clinical negligence occurs it can very often be painful, distressing and embarrassing.  This is especially the case when medical negligence occurs following treatment for gynaecological conditions.  It is embarrassing enough having to go to the doctors with a problem down below without having a resulting treatment making matters infinitely worse.  Incontinence is one of […]

Compensation from Landlord | Damaged Property & Breaches

mould on ceiling in a room

Seeking compensation from Landlord If you live in a rented council or housing association property which is in a substandard state, our team of No win No fee Disrepair Solicitors can step in and help you obtain compensation from your Landlord. We understand that life is hard enough without coming home to a house which […]