Celebrating Chloe Kilner’s Achievement: First-Class Honours in Law

We are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement by one of our dedicated team members at Treadstone Law. Chloe Kilner has recently completed her LLB law degree with first-class honours. This outstanding accomplishment is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and passion for the legal field. Chloe Kilner: A Journey of Dedication and Excellence […]

Family Triumph in Holiday Sickness Claim Against Jet2’s All-Inclusive Resort in Spain

holiday sickness claims solicitors

Our solicitors in Treadstone Law, a leading firm in holiday sickness, recently won a trial for a Holiday Sickness Claim Against Jet 2. Our client will receive £18,000 in compensation for being left with permanent Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) after suffering from food poisoning during a family holiday in Spain. The holiday took a turn […]

What is the difference between Solicitors and Paralegals?

What is the difference between a firm of solicitors and a paralegal business? The starting point for this is the definition of paralegal, the definition of paralegal is someone who is not qualified or appropriately regulated as a proper lawyer. A firm of solicitors by their very nature are qualified and are regulated by the […]

Treadstone Law Solicitors – Paul Severs Solicitor Resignation

Treadstone Law Solicitors and Staff Members confirm today that as of 28th July, Paul Severs left the employment of Treadstone Law Ltd. During this employment Paul Severs worked in the Personal Injury department and did not work in the CCJ (County Court Judgement) Department of Treadstone Law.

Travellers’ Diarrhoea on holiday

travellers' diarrhoea on holiday

Travellers’ Diarrhoea on all-inclusive holiday If you’ve ever suffered from travellers’ diarrhoea while on holiday, you may be wondering what could have caused it. Travellers’ diarrhoea is severe and sudden onset diarrhoea strongly associated with foreign travel and change of diet, especially undercooked or unhygienic cooking/serving conditions   If you are heading out for an […]

County Court Judgement CCJ | Treadstone Law Solicitors

County Court Judgements - Everything you need to know

County Court Judgement ‘CCJ’ – Everything you need to know If you have received a County Court Judgement, known as CCJ, you may be considering its removal as it could have some serious consequences for you and your finances if it remains on your credit record.  The consequences could include issues with obtaining a mortgage or […]

Contracted Legionnaires Disease while on Holiday?

legionnaires disease compensation claim

Claiming Compensation for Legionnaires Disease on Holiday Poor conditions at your hotel, resort or cruise ship can lead to you and your family contracting Legionnaires’ disease while on holiday. The two main factors that help Legionella spread are a water temperature between 20 and 45°C and a food source in the water for bacteria such as […]