County Court Judgement ‘CCJ’ – Everything you need to know
If you have received a County Court Judgement, known as CCJ, you may be considering its removal as it could have some serious consequences for you and your finances if it remains on your credit record.
The consequences could include issues with obtaining a mortgage or any other kind of credit including a mobile phone contract and even affect your job.
There are, however, ways to remove the CCJ.
Continue reading our blog to find out to remove a CCJ, how CCJs can affect your life and what to do when Bailiffs knock on your door.
Can I get a County Court Judgement removed?
The answer is yes, you can get your CCJ removed.
Here are the 3 methods of CCJ removal:
- First, you can make an application to the court to remove it. As experienced and regulated Solicitors, we can make this application for you.
- Second, you can pay the debt in full. However, you have to do it within 30 days/ one month of the CCJ being entered.
- Third, you can wait 6 years until the CCJ is automatically removed from your record without you having to do anything (even if you don’t pay it). Bear in mind though that the claimant can still enforce the CCJ. What this means is that if the money owed has not been paid in full, they can still take action against you to recover the money. They could, for instance, get Bailiffs to come to your house to seize your goods.
If you would like to discuss how to remove a CCJ with an experienced CCJ Solicitor, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Will my credit score go up after County Court Judgement removal?
Your credit score should increase considerably once your CCJ is removed from your credit record. However, it is hard to be specific as credit scores are always dependent on a number of factors.
On average, our clients’ scores increase by 200 points. Though, because each case is different, in your individual case, it could be more or less.
How do I get a County Court Judgement marked as satisfied?
First and foremost, you need to arrange for the claimant to confirm that the payment of the money owed has been made in full. Then, you need to apply for a certificate to the court.
Note that the CCJ will not be removed if you do this. The CCJ will remain on your record for as long as 6 years and continue to adversely affect your credit rating for the rest of the 6-year period.
What happens if I ignore a County Court Judgement CCJ?
If you choose to ignore your CCJ, Bailiffs may locate you and enforce the debt.
Debt collectors tend to be very good at finding people to achieve their goal.
Once they have found you, they may seize your valuable goods, clamp your car and generally cause a huge amount of stress.
Moreover, your credit score will remain poor.
Can the claimant get an extension for a CCJ?
Claimants can extend the time for enforcement of your CCJ and continue to force you to pay.
So, if within the 6-year period your CCJ is about to expire without you having repaid the debt, there is a provision to apply to the court for an extension. In the process, the claimant will have to demonstrate convincing, clear and plausible evidence why the debt was not recovered to the court to get an extension.
How many points is a CCJ on a credit score
This depends on your individual credit history which comprises many factors. Though, our best guess is 200 – 250 points down.
Keep in mind that the original debt, as well as any payment default, can also have an impact on your credit score.
Can a County Court Judgement affect my job?
A CCJ can most definitely impact your job. Unfortunately, more and more employers are turning down candidates because of their CCJs. This is because, often, you must pass a credit check to be employed especially in positions of trust.
How long can a debt be chased in the UK?
The claimants can chase you for at least 6 years (12 years for mortgage debts) but they must issue court proceedings against you in that time.
It is important to note that they have a facility to extend the debt for many years to enable enforcement; our solicitors have witnessed lawful enforcement take place over 10 years later.
Will my credit score improve after 6 years?
Your credit score should improve after 6 years. But remember – the original defaults can have an effect on your credit score. Therefore, it is always better to have the CCJ removed completely with the help of a specialist solicitor. Remember, only solicitors can make applications to court on your behalf.
Does a CCJ affect car insurance quotes?
Yes, a CCJ may affect your car insurance quotes.
You may not get credit or a monthly payment plan. Instead, insurers may require payment in full for the entire year upfront.
Can Lowell remove a default?
Lowell represents claimants. You might be able to persuade them to do so, but they will want hard evidence of the reason.
Can a CCJ be enforced after 6 years in the UK?
Yes, it is possible for the defendants to re-apply to the original court to obtain permission to enforce a judgement older than 6 years.
Can I rent a house with a satisfied CCJ?
Generally, a satisfied CCJ is less detrimental than an active one. But many landlords and estate agents will not accept this as you will often fail the credit check.
It therefore might be worth using our CCJ removal services to improve your credit score and reduce the risk of being rejected.
Do landlords accept people with CCJs?
Unfortunately, landlords rarely accept people with CCJs. Some will even have a blanket no-CCJ policy in place automatically disqualifying people who have CCJ from being able to rent a property.
Usually, a failed credit check means you can’t get a tenancy.
Do private landlords do credit checks?
Usually, private landlords also carry out credit checks. Most will want to avoid possible tenants with CCJs or defaults.
Usually, it will be the agency acting for the landlord who will do a credit check on you and a low score due to CCJs will mean they will not accept you.
Can you pass a credit check with a CCJ?
Whether you can pass a credit check with a CCJ depends on your overall credit score.
If your score is very high (apart from the CCJ), then it is possible to pass. Though, most of the time, the aim and effect of a CCJ is to fail someone’s credit check – it all depends on the criteria of the person checking you.
Can bailiffs force entry into my property for CCJs?
Whether Bailiffs can or can’t enter your property depends on the kind of debt you owe.
They could have the right to force entry to your home or business if they are collecting:
- your unpaid magistrates court fines, for example, if you were given a fine for not paying your TV licence,
- tax debts for HM Revenue and Customs, for example, if you owe income tax.
Bailiffs can enter by asking a locksmith to open your door if you won’t let them in. This is, however, very unlikely to ever happen – you should still have the chance to pay without them coming in.
The entry (or an attempt to enter) should take place between 6 am and 9 pm.
You should not let a Bailiff into your home. It is always best to try to sort out your debt by keeping them outside and speaking through the door or over the phone.
Keep in mind that if your door is open, they can enter your property. This is because they are allowed to come in through unlocked doors. Therefore, make sure all your doors are locked.
If you have a porch with a lockable door, make sure you lock this too.
When you speak to them, they will need to show you proof of what you owe and a ‘warrant’ or a document called a ‘writ’ from a court. Check any documents are signed and in date and have your correct name and address.
If you are being physically threatened by a Bailiff, call 999 and do not let them into your home.

They aren’t allowed to break down your door – they have to use ‘reasonable force’. This means they’ll have to come back with a locksmith who will unlock the door.
It is very unlikely they will do this and you will usually still have time to make an offer to sort out the debt.
CCJ Removal Solicitors
If you have found a CCJ entered against your name, our CCJ Removal Solicitors can help.
Our team of highly qualified, Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulated, and insured solicitors are ready to act on your behalf.
REMEMBER – only solicitors can make an application to the court for you. Anyone offering to do so commits a criminal offence as this is a reserved legal activity (section 12 of the legal services act).
Contact us by either filling in the contact form on this page, or give us a call on 0161 490 8960.
Hi, I’m wondering if I have grounds to have a ccj removed against my name, I was given a ccj from my ex partners best friend when our relationship failed, at the time I was renting a property off him, he tried to put the rent up from 450 to 600 without giving the current sections I seeked advise from my local housing and they contacted my ex landlord to say he couldn’t legally do this. After many bullying tactics I gave up the house to cut all ties. I owed rent of 1050, I had agreed to pay this and sent £750 via online banking, what I didn’t no I was soon to learn my mum had fallen I’ll with a significant bleed on the brain as you can imagine my head was all over the place and I didn’t pay the reminder £350. My ex landlord new my situation with my mum and told me not to worry about the the payment and he wouldn’t pursue the ccj claim, turns out he did anyway, I was given a ccj in 2019, didn’t come to my attention until I checked my credit report in 2021. The ccj stated I owed my ex landlord 1050, I had paid 750 with in a few days of getting a letter from the courts at this point I only owed 350 but it’s filed against me at 1050 this isn’t the correct amount filed against me. I have all bank statements and communication between me and my ex landlord with arrangements of payments and evidence of him saying not to worry bout the reminder 350. Is this good enough grounds to fight for this to be removed or at least edited to the correct amount of 350?! The ccj is paid and marked as satisfied? I email the county court the ccj was placed with but didn’t get an help or advise on how to appeal it or pointed in the right direction of who to contact. after never being in this situation I’m u sure of what I need todo. The ccj is having a big impacted on me, my life and credit I’m trying to apply for a mortgage. Any help will be much appreciated. I have all original messages, screen shots, emails and bank statements of dates payments was made? Please help